Friday, February 4, 2011

"Shift Happens"

This video gives new meaning to the term “plugged in.”   

Between home computers, lap tops, cell phones, smart phones, and iPods, technology exists in my house that was not here 10 years ago.  The fast and fluid rate at which technology is evolving is exciting.  While technology might be seen as a novel “hook,” “Shift Happens” illustrated to me that staying on top of this technology is vital for educators in order to engage, excite, and connect students, as well as to make available vast sources of information. While it might seem that technology is merely a convenience, this video revealed that technology’s power to reach students and connect them to increasing sources of information is invaluable.  As educators I feel that it is not just a modern convenience to own and understand this technology, but it provides vital tools that expand and improve classroom experiences.  I think educators are always looking for that “hook,” and technology not only provides it, but it can then lead (with the teacher as a guide) to greater sources of information, as well as insight and application of information.  With shrinking educational budgets, I think it is amazing that something as “simple” as a cell phone can be a gateway source of technology, and can be a key to connecting students to a variety of information sources.  With the advent of applications such as “Kindle,” the day will soon come when classrooms will be able replace costly and dated textbooks with less expensive and more up-to-date information.  Technology cannot only improve access to information, but the quality of information.  As a student, parent, and future educator, I cannot wait to see what is around the corner.

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