I have always admired those who can integrate technology into their classroom. What does technology look like? Is it accessible? Can I do this?
In my Six Technology Goals, I have included an over-arching goal that I have viewed as essential to learning: the establishment of positive relationships. I will partner with technology to achieve this. By applying technology, I will be setting down a foundation for myself, my students, and their families. Once those connections are made, I cannot wait to see what unfolds.
Building Relationships:
Six Technology Goals
a. Subject themes to be addressed that week, such as character
studies in ELA, fractions in math, California missions in social studies. I expect that more than one subject area will be addressed, and most likely tied together as a unit.
b. Classroom news such as new students, a change in students' classroom duties, upcoming field trips, conference scheduling.
c. School news such as holidays, school-wide events such as Back-to-School Night.
d. My own personal reflection of the class and the journey we are all taking together through this year together.
e. Invitations and opportunities for family involvement in the classroom.
* All students will become proficient at accessing on-line correspondence in a routine manner.
2. Create a Facebook page for our specific class for that specific year. A page of this type would serve as a reminder that the classroom is its own unit or family and that communication through this page supports this theme. This page would provide:
a. A daily reflection by me of the day's activities: goals met, challenges, achievements.
b. Daily homework assignment posts. Especially helpful for those students who are ill, or those who may have forgotten to write assignments into their agendas.
c. Provide students with a safe, classroom specific setting for sharing with classmates such things as questions or the relay of information regarding projects or other collaborative assignments. Facebook page would act as the base for these interactions.
* All students will become familiar with a discussion board format, as well as safe and respectful discussion board etiquette. Students will have an additional source of information that promotes responsibility for their own learning.
* All students will become familiar with a discussion board format, as well as safe and respectful discussion board etiquette. Students will have an additional source of information that promotes responsibility for their own learning.
3. Provide students and families with access to me through cell phone: Google Voice account. This type of access allows for a safe and private means of accessing me regarding any issue that cannot be discussed face-to-face. The means of access empowers students and families. A positive classroom experience will rely on the ability to ask questions in a safe and respectful context. For some students this initial exchange might be started over a text. The cell phone is not meant to replace a face-to-face exchange, but rather to provide a starting point for some students.
* All students will be able to assume responsibility for their own learning through teacher access. This form of access will be a tool toward building a collaborative relationship with teacher.
* All students will be able to assume responsibility for their own learning through teacher access. This form of access will be a tool toward building a collaborative relationship with teacher.
4. Create student blogs. I see this as more of an extension of journaling. The goal here is less a posting of a perfect essay, but rather the honest reflection on a specific topic. I'm not entirely sure about having this accessible to other students, but rather between the student and teacher. The sharing and feedback between teacher and student could allow for a deeper probing of topics and can be the launching point for further exploration by the student. My goal is for allowing students the freedom of expression with the safety of a secure format.
* All students will utilize blog writing as a means for deeper sharing on a wide variety of topics. Students will experience self-worth and personal pride through the publication of their views.
* All students will utilize blog writing as a means for deeper sharing on a wide variety of topics. Students will experience self-worth and personal pride through the publication of their views.
5. Skype. I would love to be able to extend lessons into places and with people that will connect with my students. Skype is a facilitator, or a tool, which can make this possible.
* All students will be able to use this medium as an invitation to seek supplemental sources for learning. Students will be able to view Skype as a means to transport and share information.
6. Collaborations utilizing video capabilities, such as an iPod touch. Now, if our goals are allowed to have perfect funding, I would include a hand-held piece of technology which would allow for full expression through visuals and sound. Imagine handing a piece of equipment to students and challenging them to show you something new. Expression and creativity would benefit from the power provided by technology.
* All students will view technology as tools for collaboration. Video capabilities allow for meeting the diverse needs of learners.